Extended Help Window

Extended Help Window

The Extended Help window is a scrollable listbox which contains the result of an "fhelp" call specifying the task selected. This window will contain all requests to Help, so it can be left up and the user can receive the results of any farther Help requests. Notice that the user can opt to Close the window either by clicking the "Close" button or using "Ctrl+c" within the help window. Also the use of the "Go" button, or the keyboard binding "Ctrl+g" will cause this task to be activated. If the task is a normal Ftools, i.e., one that uses a parameter file, then a Parameter Editing Window will appear in which the user can specify the input values and submit the task for execution. If the task selected does not use a parameter file, than an Interactive Window is created in which the user can interact with the program during execution.


Brian K. Elza
Last modified: Mon Jul 28 14:43:52 EDT