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ACUTS/IRAC2 [image] [load] [plot] [upper]
Display an image with cuts mean-3*sig and mean+upper*sig
CMASK/IRAC2 ffield clnffield lthrshold,hthrshold [dispflag]
create a mask of bad pixels using a flatfield.
DCOMB/IRAC2 [select] [seqname] [accsky] [align] output [trim] [tag]
Sky subtract and combine dithered images.
FFIELD/IRAC obj_frame ff_frame out_frame
Flat Field an IRAC frame
FOCUS/IRAC2 seqnum [focout] [create]
Used to determine the best focus from a focus sequence.
LAST [num]
Gives very brief information on the most recent exposures
MASK/IRAC2 inframe outframe
replaces bad pixels by closest good pixel
MKFLAT/IRAC lamp_on lamp_off flat_field
Make a flat field
OBSLIST/IRAC2 [start] [end]
Lists a subsection of the IRAC2B OST (Observation Summary Table)
OBSREP start end
Print out a subsection of the IRAC2B OST (Observation Summary Table)
QL/IRAC2 image1 image2 [outimage]
Subtracts one IRAC2 image from another taking into account the
detector integration times.
RCOMB/IRAC2 select [align] output
Combine frames created with the command RCOMB/IRAC2
Determine the seeing, defined as the FWHM of stellar images, of
IRAC2 images.
SSUB/IRAC obj_frame sky_frame out_frame
Sky Subtract an IRAC frame

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Petra Nass